The Influential Factors on the Fever Management of Mothers with their First Child in Infancy
Hye-Gyung An,Professor, Department of Nursing, Youngsan University
Chae-Min Yoon,Doctoral candidate, College of Nursing, Ajou University
In this study, the mediating effect of the fever fear that mothers with their first young child had on their knowledge of fever management and their fever management was analyzed. To analyze the mediating effects of fever fears in the relationship between fever management knowledge and fever management, hierarchical regression analysis according to Baron and Kenny’s procedure was used. The fever progress, a subcategory of fever phobia in the influence of knowledge of fever management on fever management, can be considered as a positive partial mediating effect. The concern over complications, a subcategory of fever phobia has no mediating effect on the knowledge of fever management on fever management. The uncertainty about the fever, a subcategory of fever in the influence of the knowledge of fever management on the fever management, is considered as a positive partial mediating effect.
Fever management, Knowledge of fever management, Fever phobia, Mothers with their first child in Infancy
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